This picture has nothing to do with this post other than that I'm in the library typing this and this is my awkward "I'm in the library taking a photobooth picture and then putting it on my blog" face.
I currently only work part time. VERY part time. My normal hours per week are 15-20. Even with that, I still find it hard to get everything done in a day or week that I need or want to get done. I try to do most of the work around the house since Isaac works full time. I guess we've taken on traditional gender roles around the house in many ways.
A full time position has just opened up at my job and I am seriously considering it but then I think, "Wait, now I'll never get anything done..."
I know I worked pretty much full time hours in 2008 for a few months and I got used to it, but at that time I lived at home so I didn't have to worry about much. I would come home to a home cooked meal. Spoiled.
I guess I'm just asking for advice. If I do get this full time position, what are your tips for getting used to the switch? How does ANYONE find time to do things they have to do outside of work and still have time for the fun things that keep us sane?
Hi there,
I know what you mean. I worked part time for 2 years until my husband came here from Morocco. Then we were living in our own apartment, and I had to start working full time. My job is a little different than your typical 9-5 since I work in human services, 4 days a week instead of 5- but LONG shifts. So I do have 3 days off in the week, and LUCKILY my husband has 2 days off (he works 5 days a week) on the same days that I'm off. So we have time to spend together, go out on dates, dinners, movies, family etc. As for housework and errands, I get those done on my days off and if I can sneak something in before my shift of the day, or after, than I do. If you and Isaac share any days off, make sure you spend them together, doing things to relax and have fun. Also, I don't know what hours you work, but sometimes you do end up coming home from work and having to find the energy to make dinner, and clean. Make sure you guys split up the housework somewhat if your both going to be working full time. You will ensure yourselves a resentment free marriage if you do :-). Take some nights when your off together after work to go out, for a walk, to dinner, to a movie. Don't let a shift of work ruin the entire day! Well, I would say go for the full time shifts... it will give you guys a little extra money to save for important investments later, like a home, a condo, or a vacation... :-) If you wanna talk more,feel free to email me :-)
It depends on your hours at work. I work 7:15 - 3:45 two days a week and 9:45 - 6:15 three days a week, plus many Saturdays. So I can never do things like go to the doctor (the office is never open when I'm off work), and right now I'm apartment hunting and that's really difficult since most apartment office hours are during the times I'm at work as well. I only have a couple free hours in the evenings but you just have to learn to take advantage of your days off. I wish I had more daytime hours off, though.
hi, Melody, just wanted to say that Bewlay Brothers is my fave song too & I liked your cool video of it! I think it might have to do with his losing a brother young (?!). it,s very cool you,re such a young, hardcore Bowie fan, I grew up on his stuff & Man Who Fell to Earth is an awesome film! in fact, I write free movie crosswords now, please check them out & enjoy! ;-):
take care (love your l'il dog, too!) & yours in Weird Film,
Kris Gilpin.
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